Monday, May 31, 2010

17 weeks

me at 15 weeks

It's been great being in the second trimester! I got some of my energy back and what little morning sickness that i did have left when i was about 13 weeks. So now all i do is eat, eat, eat! I officially started feeling the baby move one week ago, for the first three days i was a bit confused and just dismissed it because i wasn't expecting to feel it so early. But i know for sure what i'm feeling and its the most amazing feeling in the world:) I mainy feel it when i'm laying down in the evening and when i wake up. Also right after singing in church it was moving like crazy, so i think it likes to hear me sing.

Check back in a couple weeks because we find out the sex of the baby on June 15th. So i'll be posting that with more ultrasound pics!!!