Tuesday, August 24, 2010

3rd trimester

I know its been a long time since my last post. But i think pregnancy has made my procrastination even worse than it was before :P
Her movements are so much stronger than they were before, It never gets old just staring at my belly and seeing body parts poke out (it is soooo weird though) She loves to move a lot to the music at church and still a bit during the sermon (making it very hard for me to concentrate because all i do is stare at my belly)

I've been lucky its been such an easy pregnancy so far. I never had much morning sickness, so i ended up eating way too much (still do). Of course that ends up giving me heartburn which has been hard to control. Bending over is getting harder with a big ole belly in my way now too :)

So now i just have 11 more weeks to go! And i get so mad when people tell me thats a long time because its really not! i've already gone 29 weeks so 11 seems like nothing. I can't wait to meet my precious little angel :)

We are working on the nursery, i just got the fabric for the curtains i'm making and ordered the decals for the walls. Keep checking back, I will post pics once we are finished :)

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